Mortimer Cresswell is an old man now, about to breathe his last, and at his deathbed the members of his family hover, waiting to scrap over his fortune. When Stanislas von Ehrlich, a self-made man of fortune, moves into the neighbourhood, the natural order of things changes. Stanislas—ruthless in his desire to succeed—has his eye on Mortimer's land, but the Cresswells refuse to sell, sparking a massive feud. When Esmerelda von Erlich finds herself drawn to a member of the Cresswell househol...
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Strange things happened over this trilogy. I had almost completed the first book - The Broken Gate in which, as always, there was a large house, but this one ...
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Fairbairns book of crests London, is/ October, 1892. CONTENTS OF VOL. I, PART I.— INDEX OF SURNAMES. PART II —(I.) MOTTOES. (2.) KEY TO PLATES,
Eye on Romance is a web site where romance readers and writers of the romance genre can come together to discuss featured books, authors, book characters, heros ...
All Romance Writers is a web site where readers and writers of romance can come together to discuss books, authors, and book characters and plots.
These writers are notable authors of children's literature with some of their most famous works.
Richard Teare, Chief Executive Office (appointed March 2014)Charles Moore, Trustee (member of Rotary Club of Trent Bridge) & Wednesday skipper
THE KINGS CANDLESTICKS Alston Family History Descendants of John Alston of Newton by Sudbury Suffolk Sixth Generation
374 REPTON AND GRESLEY HUNDRED. REPTON, is a large pleasant well built village and parish, consisting ...
Download link for The Broken Gate (The Cresswell Inheritance) by Anita Burgh :