When Helen Francis was a child, her mother died and her father walked out, leaving her to be raised by her older sister. Now thirty-five, married, and trying to start a family of her own, Helen has moved on but never really healed from her traumatic childhood. She has always believed that a new baby would help fill the loss of what was taken from her at such a young age. After four years of trying to become pregnant, however, she is resigned to the fact that she will never be able to b...
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You are doing it all wrong DAD! Check out more awesome videos at BuzzFeedVideo! http://bit.ly/YTbuzzfeedvideo MUSIC IN MY SLEEP, FRENCH FIZZ Licensed via ...
Dads who want their daughters to aim for prestigious professions should start by doing the dishes or loading the washing machine, a new study suggests.
The Daughters of the American Revolution is an organization with a deeply rich history while also being truly relevant in today’s world. More than 930,000 women ...
To celebrate Father’s Day, TIME teamed up with Lean In, Sheryl Sandberg’s women’s empowerment foundation, to ask famous dads to write open letters to their ...
celebrates Father's Day with classic photos of famous dads and their daughters.
When I was 18, I ended up moving out on my own. With that, there was less and less time with my family as I was growing into adulthood, married twice with ...
President Obama's in town for some quality time with his daughters and some big-ticket Gotham fund-raising. The President arrived at Kennedy Airport Friday afternoon ...
News/ Faith Hill and Tim McGraw's Daughters Are ''Growing Up So Fast,'' Make Time 100 Gala ''Family Time''—Watch! by Mike Vulpo
Our favorite DDW shares how he spent quality time with his daughters on his recent Caribbean cruise.
He might be the president, but he's still a dad with teenage daughters, and quality time is needed.
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